Tuesday, July 14, 2009

life lessons in sunset with bob dylan

i must say, nothing more particularly puts me in the mood to write on my blog than a sunset. tonight, as i was driving back to my new residence after a lovely dinner at home, the big, fat, texas sun was setting directly behind me - not the fiery red that speaks to the immense heat we have been getting recently, but the soft orange glow behind and dusky grey-blue of twilight ahead. another day done.

one particularly great thing about inheriting your brother's car while he is away is that the driver's armrest storage bin comes loaded with awesome music. when you're in a music funk as i currently am (feeling like i'm listening to the same ten songs over and over again), it's such a treat to pop a random, unmarked disc into the dash and wait in that delicious anticipation of what will come. not all of it i love, but one treasure i discovered just this evening is the bob dylan greatest hits collection he had stashed there.

rolling down my windows, celebrating the breaking of the heat, watching the purple sky creep from in front of me to behind, and listening to "blowing in the wind," i was very happy. so happy in fact that the first thing i had to do is grab my computer, brew a quick pot of tea, and come sit outside in the rocking chair to write this down....

and be met by ravenous mosquitoes. let's just say i'm going inside fairly shortly.

isn't it funny how life moves in such predictable ups and downs? nothing is really as romantic as "they" would make it out to be, and the perfect moments have to be ended sooner or later. but still, i'll take the mosquitoes if that means i get a few more perfect sunsets.

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